Pursuing a PhD is not just about publishing peer-reviewed articles and reading countless papers all day every day.
If you plan your workload aptly, you will likely open up some time to explore other avenues of growth such as Internships.
Typically, you might find inter-departmental Internships opportunities too, or, alternatively, you can opt for Industrial internships.
But, if you are unsure if you really want to do an internship and what comes out of doing one, today’s blog post is for you.
In our comprehensive guide to PhD internships, we go over the various types of internship options, when to sign up for one, the ideal internship duration and a whole lot more about finding internships to making the most of them.
Just like any other opportunity, pursuing an Internship comes with both pros and cons so you need to carefully weigh them to see if the net result is beneficial for you and your area of specialization.